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Schoology - Notification settings in Schoology

This article shows you the options you have for Schoology Notifications, including text message alerts.
  1. Click on drop down arrow next to Name (Upper right corner)
  2. Click on Settings

  1. Click Send notifications to your phone via text message (If you want to)

  1. Fill in Cell number, country and carrier information
  2. Click Set Mobile

  1. Browse through notification options for different activities in Schoology. Please note the custom option allows you to have different settings for different courses.

  1. Under School Updates, Southwest Tech recommends you leave both Email and Mobile set to On as this is a central point for Schoology related announcements and school updates.

  1. Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page.

KeywordsNotifications,alerts,mobile,email   Doc ID89193
OwnerJosh K.GroupSWTC
Created2019-01-22 11:59:09Updated2023-03-13 15:11:07
SitesSouthwest Wisconsin Technical College
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