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Zoom - Using Zoom to Record a Computer Screen and Lab Video (Smartphone)

This article will go over how you can use Zoom, a computer, and internet enabled Smartphone to display both a computer screen and a mobile camera (Lab). EXAMPLE VIDEO AT END
The article assumes that you have the following:
  • Internet access
  • An Internet enabled Smartphone (with Microphone and Camera) that you will walk around with.
This is a multi-step process that will consist of:
  1. Starting your Zoom meeting on your Computer.
  2. Joining your Zoom meeting on your Smartphone.
  3. Sharing your screen on your computer.
  4. Muting the microphone on your computer.
  5. Ending screen sharing on your computer to transition to sharing your phone camera.

Start a Scheduled Zoom Meeting

  1. In Zoom either:
    - Click on the "Meetings" tab to see all your schedules meetings.
    - If the meeting you want to start is listed on the right side, you can start the meeting by clicking "Start".

  2. Find your meeting in the list of upcoming meetings on the left side. Select the meeting to display the actions, and then click “Start”.

Share Your Screen on Your Computer

  1. After you've entered your meeting (see "Zoom - User's Guide" for starting/scheduling a meeting) click the "Share Screen" button at the bottom of the window.

  2. A window will pop up asking you to "Select a window or application that you want to share".  For simplicity, it is generally recommended that you choose "Desktop 1" or "Desktop 2" (if you have multiple monitors).  Selecting a Desktop over an individual application will mean that whatever is up on your screen is being shared.  For example, if you selected your PowerPoint to be shared instead of Desktop 1, and then in the middle of your presentation you opened up YouTube in a web browser, then the sharing would be paused while you were watching the video in web browser.  The sharing would resume again once you went back into PowerPoint.

    If you want any audio shared from your computer (audio from a video, PowerPoint, etc) you should also check "Share Computer Sound".

  3. After you have your Desktop selected, click on "Share Screen" button. 

  4. You will now be presenting you screen.  When you are sharing, you will see a small toolbar at the top of your screen that has the meeting ID.  Hover over the toolbar to see additional options. 

  5. You can pause the sharing by hovering over the top toolbar and pressing the "Pause Share" button.  Press "Resume Share" when you are ready to start sharing again.

  6. When you are done sharing your screen press the "Stop Share" button at the top of your window.

Mute Your Computer Microphone

In your Zoom meeting, click on the "Mute" icon in the bottom left corner.

Start Zoom on your Smartphone

Install the Zoom app through the Google Play Store or Apple App Store on your smartphone.  Use the email link created when you Schedule a Zoom Meeting, or manually enter the Meeting ID in the Zoom app, to bring up the Zoom meeting on your phone.
Note: Using the Phone Audio to make it easier to transfer between sharing desktop and showing Lab area video.

Stop Screen Sharing on Your Computer to Begin Lab Area Video

If you plan to record a session with attendees you have to choose "Enter Full Screen" on your computer (Upper Right Corner)
Note: ALL ATTENDEES MUST BE AUDIO and VIDEO MUTED with the exception of the Smartphone.
When you stop sharing, the smartphone video should automatically be what is displayed in the Zoom Meeting.

Zoom, lab, record, video 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Josh K. in SWTC
Southwest Wisconsin Technical College