Topics Map > Anthology

Anthology - Faculty Portal - Activating Students For Face-to-Face and Online Courses

This document will show faculty how to activate students in the faculty portal. Faculty do not have to activate students that are enrolled in non-degree courses (courses beginning with a 42, 47, 60, or 7).

Video Instructions (Face-to-Face Courses)

Video Instructions (Online Courses)

Written Instructions (Face-to-Face and Online Courses)

Activating Students For Face-to-Face and Online Courses


  • If a student has communicated with us that they are not going to be in class on the first day and asked for work, do we mark them as present and consider them active? – No, the instructor should mark the attendance (activate) when they are in attendance.
  • If a student is not in class and we have not heard from them, do we need to go back in and activate when then finally show up? – Yes,  attendance needs to be recorded for each student the first time they attend.
  • Does the activation have to occur on the first day?  Can an instructor go in and activate later? – Yes, this should happen on the first day of each class.

activation enable enabling faculty portal 
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Owned by:
Andy M. in SWTC
Southwest Wisconsin Technical College