Topics Map > Schoology > Materials

Schoology - Adding Materials/Graded Items

This article shows you how to add materials and/or graded item to you Schoology course.

Navigate to the Folder you wish to Add Materials

  1. Navigate to the course in question
  2. If your default landing page is not Materials, Click Materials on the Left
  3. Click Add Materials
  4. Choose Graded Item
    1. Assignment (Electronic Submission of Files)
    2. Test/Quiz (Electronic Quiz Submission)
    3. Discussion (Electronic Conversation)
    4. File/Link/External (Documents,Websites,Integrated Tools)
    5. Page (Create an HTML in Schoology)
      1. Most commonly used for displaying embedded videos

Item Create/Edit Screen

  1. Add Due Date (Automatically Populates Calendar)
  2. Add Points
  3. Choose Category (You must have at least 1) (Automatically Populates Gradebook)
    1. You may have to click "Create New Grading Category"

KeywordsAdd,materials,graded,item,test,quiz,assignment,link,file   Doc ID88647
OwnerJosh K.GroupSWTC
Created2018-12-21 10:23:04Updated2023-01-04 15:43:42
SitesSouthwest Wisconsin Technical College
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