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Microsoft Teams - Teams and Channels
This document outlines the creation and management of teams and channels.
Source: Microsoft
A team is a group of people, like department or a committee. Teams are made up of channels, which are where you hold meetings, have conversations, and work on files together.
Create a Team
1. Select Teams from the left side of the windows.

2. Select Create a team from the top right of the window.

3. Choose a Team template. (More information about templates)

4. Create a Team name, description, and make the team public or private. If the Team is private, only the owner add members.

5. Add Team members that can view Team content and collaborate with each other.
Create a team channel
1. Once a team has been created, you can add channels for collaboration. To begin, click the More options menu to the right of the team you wish to add a channel to.

2. From the More options menu, select Add channel.

3. Create a channel name, description, and make it public or private, then click Add.

4. Your channel has now been created and collaboration can begin.

Manage your teams
1. Once a team has been created, you can manage and change settings. To begin, click the More options menu to the right of the team you wish to manage.

2. From the More options menu, select Manage team.

3. From the Manage Team window, you can manage Members, Channels, and Settings for the team.