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Account - Password Reset
You will use your Southwest Tech account to log into many systems including, but not limited to the student/faculty portal, Schoology, and email.
Your username for logging in to Southwest Tech systems is the first 3 letters of your last name followed by the last 4 numbers of your Student ID.
Example – John Smith's username, with a student ID of 1324567, would be: smi4567
Your username for logging in to Southwest Tech systems is your first initial followed by your last name.
Example - John Smith’s username would be: jsmith
Email Address
Your email address is your username followed by
Student example -
Staff/Faculty example -
Locked Account
Your account will lock after 4 failed login attempts. You can contact the Charger Technology Support Center to get your account unlocked otherwise it will unlock automatically after 30 minutes.
- To reset your password, go to:
- Enter in your email address and the verification characters.
- The options will vary depending on what MFA methods you have configured. Select one of the contact methods on the left side that you would like to use and then have it call, text, or send you the notification.
- Enter/approve the verification code then click "Next".
- Type in your new password twice. It must match the following criteria:
- Cannot reuse last 24 passwords
- Passwords can only be changed once per day
- Cannot use "common" passwords (Password1, Summer2024, Peachpie07, Partyhouse01, etc.)
- Cannot contain your name or part of your username
- Be at least 8 characters long
- Password must contain 3 of the following:
- Uppercase letter
- Lowercase letter
- Number
- Special character
- After you password has been reset, you should be able to access all services with your new password. Please note that it may take up to two minutes for the password to sync with other services, so if it doesn't work immediately, try again in a few minutes.
You can add additional authentication methods by following this guide: Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) - Overview