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Account - Reset Your Password With Your Southwest Tech Laptop at Home (Faculty/Staff)
This document will faculty and staff describe how to reset your password when at home with a Southwest Tech laptop.
You will only need to follow this guide if you are using your Southwest Tech issued laptop at home. Select one of the options below:
Password Expiring Soon
Password Expiring Soon
- Make sure you are connected to the VPN. For help connecting to the VPN see "VPN - Connect to the Southwest Tech VPN".
- Press "Ctrl" + "Alt" + "Delete" on your keyboard.
- Select "Change a password".
- Enter in your old password followed by your new password twice.
It must match the following criteria:
- Cannot reuse last 24 passwords
- Passwords can only be changed once per day
- Cannot use "common" passwords (Password1, Summer2024, Peachpie07, Partyhouse01, etc.)
- Cannot contain your name or part of your username
- Be at least 8 characters long
- Password must contain 3 of the following:
- Uppercase letter
- Lowercase letter
- Number
- Special character
Password Has Already Expired
- Log into your laptop with your old (expired) password.
- Follow the password reset instructions here: Account - Password Reset
- Sign into the VPN with your new password. For help connecting to the VPN see "VPN - Connect to the Southwest Tech VPN".
- After signing into the VPN with your new password, your laptop should sync your new password with your laptop. You may receive a message stating to lock your computer to update your credentials. Reboot your computer and log in using your new password.