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Account - Reset Your Password With Your Southwest Tech Laptop at Home (Faculty/Staff)

This document will faculty and staff describe how to reset your password when at home with a Southwest Tech laptop.

You will only need to follow this guide if you are using your Southwest Tech issued laptop at home.  Select one of the options below:

Password Expiring Soon

Password Expiring Soon

  1. Make sure you are connected to the VPN.  For help connecting to the VPN see "VPN - Connect to the Southwest Tech VPN".

  2. Press "Ctrl" + "Alt" + "Delete" on your keyboard.

  3. Select "Change a password".

  4. Enter in your old password followed by your new password twice.

    It must match the following criteria:

    • Cannot reuse last 24 passwords
    • Passwords can only be changed once per day
    • Cannot use "common" passwords (Password1, Summer2024, Peachpie07, Partyhouse01, etc.)
    • Cannot contain your name or part of your username
    • Be at least 8 characters long
    • Password must contain 3 of the following:
      • Uppercase letter
      • Lowercase letter
      • Number
      • Special character

Password Has Already Expired

  1. Log into your laptop with your old (expired) password.

  2. Follow the password reset instructions here: Account - Password Reset

  3. Sign into the VPN with your new password. For help connecting to the VPN see "VPN - Connect to the Southwest Tech VPN".

  4. After signing into the VPN with your new password, your laptop should sync your new password with your laptop.  You may receive a message stating to lock your computer to update your credentials.  Reboot your computer and log in using your new password.

Keywordsforgot login netid recovery help can't remember netid account security question schoology username change activate vpn   Doc ID98938
OwnerAndy M.GroupSWTC
Created2020-03-16 16:09:27Updated2024-07-24 10:46:37
SitesSouthwest Wisconsin Technical College
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