Microsoft Teams - Notification Settings

This document outlines notification settings and configuration for the Microsoft Teams application.
There are currently three types of notifications: Mentions, Messages, and Other.

General Notification Settings

To customize notification settings, select your profile picture in the top right corner of Teams. Select Settings, then Notifications. From the Notifications menu, you can customize what notifications you receive and where the appear.


For each notification, you can select how it is delivered.
1. Banner (a pop-up notification in the bottom right corner of your computer)

2. Banner and email (the frequency of email notifications can be set in the Other category)

3. Only show in Teams Activity feed

Keywordsmicrosoft teams notification alert settings configuration   Doc ID101396
OwnerAndy M.GroupSWTC
Created2020-04-24 10:16:28Updated2024-09-03 08:45:33
SitesSouthwest Wisconsin Technical College
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