Dimensions - 69' x 60' (combined), 30' x 60' (365), 39' x 60' (366)
Power - Wall and floor outlets
Whiteboard(s) - Portable whiteboards available
Miscellaneous - Easels, portable whiteboards, and a lectern can be added to this space upon request and availability
Technology Information
Projector/TV - Two projectors in each room (all four can be used in combined mode)
Laptop Hookup - HDMI with DisplayPort, Thunderbolt, and USB-C adapters
Video Conferencing - Ceiling microphones, auto-tracking camera facing the podium, camera facing the audience
Microphone (in-room amplification) - One gooseneck at the podium, two handheld microphones, and two over-ear microphones (per room)
Microphone Stand - Two supplied - Additional microphone stands are available upon request and availability
Assisted Listening - Four receivers with 3.5mm headphone jack available upon request - Two of the receivers can be used with a T-coil neckloop (per room)