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Ordering Textbooks and Materials in eCampus

It is recommended to log in to the MySWTC portal when ordering books and materials. Doing so will allow all required materials to automatically populate, making it easy to locate them.

1. Go to and click the MySWTC link.  Login using your Southwest Tech username and password.  If you do not know your username and password, click the Forgot Password link on this page. 

2. Click the My Textbooks link under Administrative Services on the left-hand side (NOTE:  may need to scroll down the page to find the Administrative Services area)

MySWTC MyTextbooks link

NOTE: eCampus should open in a new window.

3. Scroll down the page in eCampus to view the required books for your course(s) and select your buying preference for each book.

Select your buying for required book

4. Once you have selected your books click the “Add Items to Cart” button at the bottom of the page.

NOTE:  The next screen will show the book options you selected

Add items to cart button at the bottom

5. Click the “Go To Cart” button

Go to Cart button

6. Click the “Proceed to Checkout” button

Processed to Checkout button

7. Switch to Ship Faster: This will ask to substitute the condition of the book if necessary.

    1. For example, if you ordered a used book but none are available to ship, eCampus can switch your order to a new book and ship it out as soon as possible rather than waiting for a used book to become available. The book price will change depending on the book switch. You can choose to accept this option or not. 
    2. Accept or decline the Switch to Ship Faster Option.
    3. SelectProceed to Checkout’

Switch to Ship Faster

8. Secure Checkout:

  1. eBook Designation - if you don’t have any eBooks in your order, this will not appear.
    1. Make sure that the book is going to you.
    2. Choose what date you want the eBook delivered to you. If you choose now, it will not affect how long you have access to the eBook.
    3. Once everything is correct, select ‘Continue’.
  2. Shipping Address
    1.  You can choose to have the books shipped to your address with a shipping cost added to your order or select ship to campus (FREE shipping).
    2. If you choose to ship to your address, fill in your shipping information and select ‘Continue’.
    3. If you choose to have the books shipped to Southwest Tech, fill in your name and phone number, and select ‘Continue’.

Secure Checkout

9. Choose a Shipping Method

    1. Shipping is FREE to campus or there will be a shipping cost added to ship to your address.
    2. Books will ship 2-3 days after the order is processed with eCampus.
    3. Expediated delivery is an additional cost.  One Day shipping cost will be calculated at checkout.
    4. Orders placed after 12:00 pm (noon) will not be processed until the next business day.

Choose Shipping Method

10. Payment Method – Follow the instructions based on how you will pay for your books.  It is very important that you choose the correct funding.  If you have both Financial Aid and Third-Party funding, you should place a separate order for your Third-Party payment and your Financial Aid voucher order.

    1. Student Eligible for Financial Aid
      1. For your payment method, select “Financial Aid” information shown in the payment section of the checkout process.
      2. If you are approved for Financial Aid, you will receive an email that you have a voucher available to purchase books. The voucher amount is $5,000.
      3. A book voucher is not free money. The total amount of books or supplies you purchase using the voucher will be added to your tuition and fees bill at Southwest Tech.
    2. Student Who Has Third-Party Agency Funding (Ex. Students Funded by WIOA, CESA3, or School Districts)
      1. Select the Billing Department shown in the payment section of the checkout process.
      2. You will receive an email when the third-party funds are loaded onto your account.
    3. Student Who Pays Out of Pocket – Paying for Books with a Credit Card
      1. Enter Credit Card Information.
      2. Make sure that Financial Aid box is not checked.  If it is checked, your books will be charged to your Financial Aid.
    4. Student Paying with a Gift Card
      1. Enter the gift card number into the gift card & coupons box during checkout.
    5. Select ‘Continue’ after payment method is completed.

Payment Method =

11. Review your order. Please make sure that all your information is correct to prevent issues.

12. Select ‘Place Order’.

    1. Your order is submitted.  A copy of your order will be sent to your email.
    2. Keep track of your order information.
    3. If your order is shipped to the college, you will receive an email when it is ready to be picked up.

Review order and Place Order

Important Information

  • If you order an eBook, it will be added to your Digital Bookshelf. This is accessed within eCampus using your login information. You will find it within your Dashboard.
    • Advantages of eBooks
      • Instant access and no shipping.
      • Significant cost savings.
      • Ability to be read aloud
      • Ability to take notes in eBook
      • Ability to add bookmarks
      • See a full collection of videos from VitalSource


  • Cengage Unlimited Access Codes
    • Following your purchase, you will receive an email from eCampus with activation and access instructions. The access code will be found in your Digital Dashboard under Digital Bookshelf.  Follow the instructions here to access and activate your code in Schoology.
    • You will utilize Cengage Unlimited Access for the duration of your enrollment with our campus. We recommend you order the access pass that best aligns with your completion timeline (4-months, 12-months, or 24-months).  If you are not sure what is best for you, ask your advisor. 


  • Evolve Access – For Nursing Students
    • Nursing students are billed when classes start. Billing is based on the class roster.
    • Evolve Access cost is based on the classes taken by the student and the expected completion date.
    • See a full collection of videos from Evolve.


Ordering books, eCampus 
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Owned by:
Josh K. in SWTC
Southwest Wisconsin Technical College