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Viva Engage/Yammer - Join Community or follow people

This document will show you how to enable email notifications in Viva Engage/Yammer, join a community, or follow a user.

"Follow" a specific person in Viva Engage

      1. In a web browser - navigate to

      2. Click in the "Search Viva Engage" field

      3. Type the name of the user, then click their name:

      4. On the user page - click the "Follow" button:

      5. Click the Notification icon on the "Following" button:

      6. Check the highlighted boxes below:

Join a Viva Engage/Yammer community

  1. Click "Communities" from the left side navigation:

  2. Click "View all communities":

  3. Click the Recommended drop down and select "Alphabetical":

  4. Scroll down and find your community, then click "Join":


Enable Viva Engage/Yammer email notifications

  1. In a web browser - navigate to

  2. Click the gear icon in the upper right hand corner:

  3. Click "Edit Settings" under Viva Engage:

  4. Click the notifications tab under Account Settings:

  5. Check the following boxes under "Email me when":

  6. Check the boxes for communities you wish to receive email updates:

  7. Click the black "Save" button


Yammer Viva Engage community follow groups people notifications email 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Dave F. in SWTC
Southwest Wisconsin Technical College