Topics Map > Phone

Phone - Conference Call - 3 Party Call on Campus Mitel 5330 IP Phone

This document will show you how start a 3 party conference call on a Mitel 5330 IP Phone.
To form a Conference when a two–party call is already in place, or to add another party to an existing Conference: 

1. Press the "TRANS/CONF" button. 

Phone Button - Transer/Conference

2. Dial the number of the next party. 

3. Wait for an answer.

4. Press the "TRANS/CONF" button again to join them into the conference call. 

Phone Buttons - Transfer/Conference

Leaving a Conference Call

1. Hang up or press (CANCEL). 

Phone Buttons - Cancel

Keywordsgroup multiple dial   Doc ID86309
OwnerDave F.GroupSWTC
Created2018-10-09 10:11:01Updated2020-06-01 08:16:50
SitesSouthwest Wisconsin Technical College
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