Topics Map > Printing

Student Printing - Printing Policy and Instructions

This document will go over student printing policies and instructions.

Policy-24-White Printing Policy

Funds Provided

All students will receive $10.00 worth of printing at the start of each term.

The $10.00 increase will be in addition to any remaining balance from previous semesters.

If there is money in your account upon leaving or graduating, you will not be reimbursed or credited for the remaining amount.

Printing Costs

Black/White - 5 cents per page
Color - 25 cents per page
Black/White Copies - 10 cents per page

Printing on both sides of the paper (duplex) will save you money!

Adding Funds

To add funds, you will need to visit one of these locations:

  • Financial Aid/Bursar office
  • SWTC Bookstore

Printer-24-White Printing Instructions

Looking to print from your personal device?  View - Student Printing - Pay for Print from a Personal Device or SWTC-issued laptop 

  1. After you click on the "Print" button in your application, a pop-up window will be displayed. At the bottom of the window, in the Authentication area, you need to enter your username and password. This is the same information you use to login to a workstation. After entering your information click "Submit".

    Screenshot of print authentication box

  2. A confirmation screen will be displayed. Click "Submit" to begin your print job.

    Screenshot of print confirmation

  3. After printing a window will pop up in the bottom right corner of your screen showing you your printing totals.

    Screenshot of print totals

copy machine 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Andy M. in SWTC
Southwest Wisconsin Technical College