Topics Map > Software
Topics Map > Phone
Emergency Mass Notification System - Update Mobile Number via MySWTC Portal (Students)
This documents will show students how to update their mobile phone number through MySWTC so you can receive emergency alerts.
Only Current term students are imported daily into the system (Example Spring 23-24)
This new notification system (text and email) will be used to send emergency alerts along with other important notifications:
Campus Closing (Weather related)
Campus Closing Early (Weather related)
Campus Evacuation
Active Threat
Hazardous Material/Gas Leak
Bomb Threat
To Update Your Phone number in mySWTC for Emergency Notifications:
1. Navigate in a browser to "MySWTC"
2. Click the "Student Portal Homepage" tile.

3. On the left hand side, click "My Profile". Then click "My Information".

5. Scroll down the bottom of the page and click the yellow "Edit" button:

4. Scroll down to the phone section of the page - enter your mobile phone in the "Home *" field

5. Scroll down and click the yellow "Save" button.