Topics Map > Software > Zoom
Zoom - Joining a Meeting (Attendees/Students)
This document will show students how to join a Zoom meeting.
- Your Southwest Tech instructor or staff member will provide with a link to the Zoom meeting (ex. Open that Zoom link provided to you in a web browser.
- For instructions specific to your device, expand your Operating System section below:
PC/Mac - Returning User or Using Campus Computer (Zoom already installed)
If you have already have Zoom installed, you may receive a prompt asking you to open in Zoom meetings. If so, select to open Zoom Meetings and then skip to step 3 below.
PC/Mac - First Time User (Zoom not installed)
- The Zoom website will begin downloading the installer.
- Once the download completes, run the installer.
- The software will install on your computer.
Mobile Users (iOS and Android)
1. To connect to Zoom meetings from a mobile device, the Zoom client must be installed on your smartphone or tablet.- Expand to view Android Zoom Installation steps - Note: If the Zoom client is already installed on your device, skip this portion.
1. To begin, open the meeting invitation delivered by email or via Schoology and click the link Join Zoom Meeting.
2. This will automatically open the Zoom app download page. Select Download from Google Play to begin.
The Google Play app will open to the Zoom download page. Select Install from the Google Play app.
3. Once the download and installation has completed, navigate back to the email or Schoology page containing the Zoom meeting and click Join Zoom Meeting to join the meeting. At this point you will be prompted to open the link with the Zoom client. Note: To remember this choice in the future, select Always in the open with menu.
- Expand to view iOS Zoom Installation steps - Note: If the Zoom client is already installed on your device, skip this portion.
1. Open the App Store and search for Zoom. Select Zoom Cloud Meetings and install the application.App Store icon
2. Once the download and installation has completed, navigate back to the email or Schoology page containing the Zoom meeting and click Join Zoom Meeting to join the meeting.
2. When joining a Zoom meeting for the first time, you will be prompted to enter your name. When done, select OK. Note: The screens shown below are from an Android device. The iOS configuration is identical.If Zoom was recently installed and you have not used it on a mobile device before, upon joining a meeting you will be prompted for camera, microphone, and notification access. Select Allow on camera and microphone. You can decide to allow/deny notifications.
After allowing permissions, Zoom will prompt you for an audio connection. Select Call via Device Audio.
3. Once in the meeting, you will see the host's screen (if video is available). The controls on the bottom will allow you to join with audio and video. Additional controls will allow you to share media from your device, view the list of participants, and modify existing Zoom app settings.Chromebook Users
Review the Zoom on Chrome OS documentation.
- If prompted, enter your name into the window that pops up and select "Join Meeting". You will then be joined into the meeting. If you've used Zoom on this device before, your previous settings will be remembered and you will be joined into the meeting without needing to enter your name.
- For assistance with your audio/video settings view: Zoom - Audio/Video Settings in a Zoom Meeting
For additional guides and help view: Zoom - User Guide