Topics Map > Phone

Phone - MiCollab SoftPhone

This document will show you how to receive and make calls with your SoftPhone.

Setting up MiCollab Software

1.  Connect to the Southwest Tech VPN. (See VPN - Connect to the Southwest Tech VPN)

2.  Open the MiCollab software from the "Start Menu" > "MiCollab" > "MiCollab".

3.  In the top right of the MiCollab software, click where it says your name and has your initials in a circle:

Change your status

4.  Click the drop down arrow:

Dropdown arrow for status

5.  Click "Working from Home" or "In a meeting" depending if you want to receive calls or have them go to voicemail.

Working from home

Modify "In a Meeting" status to send calls to voicemail

1.  In the top right of the MiCollab software, click where it says your name and has your initials in a circle:

Current Status

2. Click the drop down arrow, then click "Manage Status":

Click the manage status link

3.  Under Status - Click "In a Meeting"

Click In a Meeting

4.  Scroll down to "Do Not Disturb" and check the "Enable Do Not Disturb" checkbox

Do Not Disturb

5.  Click the blue "Done" button:


Making a Phone Call

1.  Click in the "search field" at the top of window and type the number you wish to dial leading the number with a 1 (ex. 160812345467).

2.  Click the blue highlighted number to call the number.

Click the blue highlighted number to place the call

3.  Click the red phone button to end call.

Click the red phone button to end call

Receiving a Phone Call

1.  When you receive a phone call you will hear it ringing through the speakers on your computer.  Open MiCollab and click the green "SoftPhone" button to answer.

Click the green soft phone button answer

3 Party Conference Call

1.  Click in the "search field" at the top of window and type the number you wish to dial leading the number with a 1 (ex. 160812345467) or 4 digit internal extension.

2.  Click the blue highlighted number to call the number.

Click the number to place the call.

3.  Once the call is successfully connected, click the "Conference" button in the blue ribbon at the bottom of the call screen.

Conference Button

4.  Repeat steps 1-3 for adding up to 3 callers.

5.  Once you have successfully added all of your callers, click the "Conference" button again to initiate conferencing with all parties

Conference Button

Transfer a phone call

1.  Answer the phone call like stated in directions above.

2.  Click the "Transfer" button.

Press Transfer Button

3.  Click in the "search field" at the top of window and type the number you wish to dial leading the number with a 1 (ex. 160812345467) or 4 digit internal extension.

4.  Click the blue highlighted number to call the number.  (Wait for party to answer and explain why you are transferring call)

Type the number in search

5.  Click the "Blue" transfer button again to transfer the call.

Transfer - Blue

phone dial soft phone call 
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Owned by:
Dave F. in SWTC
Southwest Wisconsin Technical College