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Zoom - Basic Troubleshooting

This document outlines basic troubleshooting for Zoom connectivity related issues.

Table of Contents

I'm unable to join a Zoom meeting

If you're unable to join a meeting, follow these steps:
  • Verify the start time of the meeting; if the Join Before Host functionality is not enabled, you can join a meeting but will see this screen:

I have joined a meeting but cannot see or hear anyone

If you're in a meeting and cannot see or hear anyone else:
  • Confirm the meeting time with the host and verify that you are in the correct Zoom meeting by matching the host's meeting ID with the meeting ID in your current session (for example, Zoom Meeting ID: 123-456-7890). If these meeting IDs do not match, you have joined a different meeting. Ask the host for the correct meeting information to proceed.
  • If you are in the correct meeting, verify that your computer or mobile device audio is not set to mute and is functional outside of the Zoom client.

    Windows Audio Troubleshooting
  • Verify that your system sound is not set to mute. Navigate to your system tray (bottom right of screen). If your audio is muted, the speaker icon will have an 'x' next to it.
    To unmute: left click on the speaker icon and move the audio slider to desired volume level to disable mute.
Mac Audio Troubleshooting
  • Verify that your Mac's audio is not set to mute. Navigate to the Apple Menu > System Preferences > Sound and verify that the sound is not set to mute under the Output volume settings.

Meeting participants cannot see or hear me

If you're in a meeting and other participants cannot see or hear you:
  • If you are using an external webcam (i.e. connected via USB), unplug your webcam and plug it back in.
  • For Mac webcam issues:
    • Make sure the application using the camera is the one that's currently selected on your desktop.
    • Check whether the camera works in other applications.
    • Check whether the camera works in other user accounts; for help with user accounts, see in Apple's online support documentation.
    To the top

    My video feed is poor quality

    If you're in a meeting and the video feed is poor or choppy:
    • Exit the meeting, exit the Zoom client, reopen Zoom, and reconnect to the meeting.

    • Check your internet download speed using a service such as . Compare the results to Zoom's System Requirements .

    conferencing meeting online connect webinar conference presentation recording webcam camera microphone troubleshooting trouble  
    Doc ID:
    Owned by:
    Andy M. in SWTC
    Southwest Wisconsin Technical College