Topics Map > Printing

Student Printing - Pay for Print from a Personal Device or SWTC-issued laptop

This document shows you how to upload/print documents from a personal device on the Southwest Tech Guest wireless.

Student Printing Information

For student printing cost information, please view Student Printing - Printing Policy and Instructions 

Web Printing Locations

Main SWTC Campus - Fennimore

 Room  Room Location  Print Types
 Knox Learning Center  Building 300, Room 314  Black/White, Color
 ATL Room 3604  Health Science Building, Building 1600  Black/White, Color
 EPD Classroom  Building 2000 (Public Safety)  Black/White
 Room 2007  Building 2000 (Public Safety)  Black/White
 Hallway Alcove  Building 2000 (Public Safety)  Black/White
 Room 1705  Building 1700  Black/White
 Room 1708  Building 1700  Black/White
 Room 1709  Building 1700  Black/White
 Room 1715  Building 1700  Black/White
 Room 1717  Building 1700  Black/White
 Room 124  Building 100  Black/White
 Room 201  Building 200  Black/White
 Room 205  Building 200  Black/White
 Room 215  Building 200  Black/White
 Room 368  Building 300  Black/White
 Room 415/Charley's  Building 400  Black/White
 Room 504  Building 500  Black/White
 Room 522  Building 500  Black/White
 Room 601  Building 600  Black/White
 Room 611  Building 600  Black/White, Color
 Room 613  Building 600  Black/White
 Room 1502A  Building 1500  Black/White, Color
 Outside of Room 2614  Health Science Building, Building 1600 - 2nd Floor  Black/White, Color

Outreach Site - Platteville 

Room Room Location Print Types
Copy Room Platteville Outreach Black/White, Color

Web Printing Storage

Max Document size - 25 MB
Max storage per user - 100 MB

Files are automatically removed daily.

Web Printing Steps

1. Connect to the wifi.

From a personal device (non-SWTC-issued laptop):

Connect to "SWTC-Guest" wifi on your personal device. Continue to step 2.

From an SWTC-issued laptop:

Your laptop will automatically connect to Wi-Fi. Continue to step 2.

2.  Navigate via a web browser to

3.  Login using your SWTC NetID and password (ex. fri1960)

4.  Click the "Print" icon from the top menu bar.
Menu bar
5.  Verify the file you wish to upload/print is a supported file type.
Supported files types: pdf, jpg, gif, png, tif, wpf, emf, doc, docx, txt, rtf, wps, xls, xlsx, csv, ppt, pptx
Supported file types
6.  Click the "Select File to Upload" button.
7.  Once uploaded, click the radio button next to the document you wish to print.
Select Document
8.  Click the blue "Next" button.
9.  Select your printer by location to narrow your printer choices.
Location Select
10.  Select the printer you would like to print to.
Printer Selection
11.  Modify your print options accordingly.
Print options
12.  Click the blue "Next" button.
13.  Confirm your print job.
Print Confirm
14.  Click the blue "Print Now" button.
15.  If your job is printed successfully, you will see the following message.
Print Success
16.  To remove a document that is no longer needed, click the black "x".
Remove Document

printing personal devices guest wifi wireless wi-fi laptop macbook student 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Dave F. in SWTC
Southwest Wisconsin Technical College